We have the great opportunity at Haiti Bible Mission to disciple and raise up world-changing leaders to spread the love of Christ throughout Haiti. Now you have the opportunity to directly affect their purpose and mission as well. All of our emerging leaders have a unique story about what brought them to Haiti Bible Mission and how God is continually working in their lives to make them the people they earnestly strive to be. By sponsoring an emerging leader, you are helping to ensure that their opportunity to succeed is at its full potential.
The cost of fully sponsoring each leader is $250/month for a minimum of one year. However, we believe that a team of sponsors should be behind each of our leaders. Any amount towards a leader will help set them on the path of becoming a leader in their community, whether it is $25/month or $250/month. Become an advocate for these incredible people today!
The cost of sponsoring a leader at HBM goes toward finishing any secondary education if applicable, biblical leadership training and salary. The Leaders shown below work in all areas of HBM, from pastors to teachers to construction. Each has a special story and helps to lead in their community.
To sponsor an Emerging Leader, please click on the leader you wish to partner with and fill out the form it directs you to, to set up your donation. Upon completion, you will receive your leader’s info packet in the mail, as well as a quarterly update directly from your sponsored leader.
Sponsoring a student at Te Wouj with Haiti Bible Mission connects you to a unique country side community that is crying out for world changers to rise up and advocate for them. By sponsoring a Te Wouj student, you are working directly with an HBM school, helping to provide Christ-centered curriculum, quality education, and the message of the saving truth of the Gospel. Not only are these students surrounded by loving, supportive teachers who truly care for them, but they receive the nourishment they so desperately need through daily meals. Together with consistent monthly support, letters of encouragement, and prayers, you can help live the difference with your sponsored Te Wouj student that will impact future generations.
Choose which student you’d like to sponsor, for $35 per month or $420 annually, and set up your payment through our online giving platform or by mailing in a check. Upon receiving your donation, your student’s info packet will be sent. Each info packet includes the student’s profile card, personal information about your student, along with their handprint, a handwritten thank you note, and information about Haiti Bible Mission.
Sponsoring an urban student with Haiti Bible Mission connects you to a unique program we call the “Zone Initiative Program”. In this program we identify which urban zones need the most support and then partner along side of Haitian leaders in the zone to help empower them. We do weekly feeding distributions, local ministry, plant churches, community facilities and more. We also find the students who are most likely to not have the opportunity to attend school and find sponsors to change their future. Through choosing to sponsor an urban student, you are choosing to partner with an entire community.
Choose which student you’d like to sponsor, for $35 per month or $420 annually, and set up your payment through our online giving platform or by mailing in a check. Upon receiving your donation, your student’s info packet will be sent. Each info packet includes the student’s profile card, personal information about your student, along with their handprint, a handwritten thank you note, and information about Haiti Bible Mission.